Business Automation Webinar Registration Thanks Page

We will cover 6 Critical Website Elements on the webinar. We have also developed a workbook that covers this material + some offline marketing strategies called "The New Rules for Sales, Marketing and Winning Contracts in the New Economy". You can order that now and get THREE bonuses including a website analysis to see how you compare to what you will learn on the Business Automation Webinar. Here's what's included:

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  • Fast and complete instructions for how to profit using "The New Rules".
  • 3 FREE ways to drive leads to your website and get them to call you!
  • 5 CRITICAL mistakes found on most landscape company websites.
  • How to turn your customers into clients and your clients into your unpaid sales force.
  • Why you must build a marketing parthenon if you really want to sell more, grow your business OR sell work at higher prices.
  • Just over 3000 landscape companies have attended this workshop at live events and have paid as much as $2495 in registration fees plus the cost of plane fare, hotels and meals just to gain access to this information.
  • You can attend this very special training for FREE...but only if you show up at the scheduled time for the online LIVE event.

Here's Why You MUST HAVE the "New Rules" Webinar Workbook

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  • It's a only remember 20% of what you hear.
  • If you hear it and see it you can remember about 50%.
  • But when you get your copy of the workbook have what you need to take action on 100% of what we will cover during this "New Rules" webinar.
  • The New Rules Workbook will guide you through the data presented during this presentation on a point by point basis.  You can take "action" notes in the margins instead of trying to take endless notes while you are listening and watching.
  • There will be over 60 slides with charts and data provided during the webinar...way too much information to simply write down during the call.
  • You actually get much more than the workbook also get...
  • Unlimited access to the video recording of the webinar. If you get stuck implementing any of these profit-producing strategies, you can re-take the course for FREE.
  • Others have gladly paid $97 for this workbook and New Rules video access.
  • It's yours for just $27...but only if you BUY NOW.


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  • FREE analysis of your Internet Marketing Activities when you get access to our Internet Marketing Intelligence Quotient Survey (IMIQ) a $97 value....FREE if you BUY NOW.
  • FREE 6-Part E-Mail Mini-Course starts after you buy the workbook.  This guides you step by step to implement the most profit generating actions covered during the webinar.  This is not available if you only register for the FREE New Rules webinar. A $47 value.
  • Special Bonus - When you purchase the New Rules Workbook, we will provide a FREE 5-point website marketing analysis, a $197 value.  A member of my marketing team will review your website and carefully inspect it for the 5 CRITICAL elements needed for ONLINE & OFFLINE sales will get a written report of our findings....but ONLY if you BUY NOW.
  • Click below and get ready to grow sales, sell at higher prices and transform your marketing starting right now!

That's right, over $2886 worth of business building information for a one-time investment of $27.  Plus, you get the 90 day money back guarantee.  If you don't profit, you don't's that simple.  Hit the add to cart button below.

Lawn and Landscape Business Building and Marketing Systems