Finding Employees
Webinar Replay
How to Find and Recruit Quality, Dependable Employees

This webinar will transform how business owners like you can Find & Recruit Super Star Employees.
During this webinar with Tony Bass, the co-author of The Emyth Landscape Contractor “Why Most Landscape Companies Don't Work and What to Do About It” is an in depth look at how to effectively staff your company.
During the last 2 and a half decades Tony has hired hundreds of employees to work in his portfolio of companies. Tony Bass is a JOB CREATOR! He has made 7 figure payrolls for many years. He is on your side. In fact, Tony is on a mission to teach 10,000 business owners how to double profits or double sales in 12 to 24 months.
Let’s see if you’ve made any of these mistakes. Let’s call these Tony’s Top 5 Hiring Mistakes.
Looking for “EXPERIENCE”
Hiring Friends & Family Members Without An Escape Plan
Failure to Clearly Explain The Job Position, How Much You Pay & How To Apply In Your Ads
Failure to Treat Employee Acquisition as a Marketing Function
Failure to Employ Robots, Temps, Internationals, Freelancers, & Part Timers
Questions? Comments? Special requests? Just visit and set up a 20 minute meeting with Tabitha!

About Tony Bass
Tony Bass has been an entrepreneur since 1987. He is the Founder & CEO of Super Lawn Technologies, which provides lawn & landscape contractors with tools to increase productivity. Tony has written seven books, including co-authoring The E-Myth Landscape Contractor with Michael E. Gerber. He bases his counsel on 25+ years of green industry experience, which includes founding, growing and selling his initially small landscaping business for a seven-figure profit. Tony is on a mission to teach 10,000 lawn & landscape business owners how to double profits in 12 to 24 months.