Getting Average Employees to Do Great Work

ONLINE TRAINING EVENT | Friday, April 7 at 1:00 PM EST

Is your business suffering because you can't find the good, reliable help you need to grow?


Hey! Tony Bass here...

I thought I'd get this message to you. We have a webinar training event coming up really soon. I though you'd enjoy attending... here's what we're going to be talking about... It's the NUMBER 1 CHALLENGE for business owners... especially during the busy spring season.

And that is how to get your average employees to do exceptional work, high quality work, and to bring it in on budget and in time.

I want you to get signed up for this training event. Here's what I'll share with you:

  1. The first 5 interview questions you want to ask potential employees to keep the interview process short and help you screen quickly
  2. What to say during a job offer to hep you improve retention dramatically (I just got off the phone with a client that said I needed to include this. His employee retention has improved  almost 100% in the last 12 months that he's implemented this strategy.)
  3. Two simple incentives to put in your company that help improve retention of employees
  4. A super simple system to get your customers to help you manage quality control
  5. A step-by-step training system that will teach your new employees how to do good quality work on day one
  6. An overlooked method to get your best employees to become great teachers in your company

Here's how you'll know if you really need to be on this call...

If your training system is, "Get in the truck and Sam, Jim or Jose will tell you what do when you get there", then YOU NEED TO BE HERE!

I hope you'll go ahead and get register for this training event!

This info is being used by hundreds of lawn and landscape companies to generate hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars of work in their companies.

Let me explain. The webinar is not free. There is a small fee... just $97 to allow you to join me for this live training event. If you would like for me to come to your office and work with you one-on-one to implement this system, I'm happy to do it. The fee is $5,000 per day for private consulting with a 2 day minimum engagement. But you won't have to pay $10,000 to get this information if you'll simply join me on this limited access webinar. For just $97 you will get:

  • A reserved seat at this upcoming event
  • Access to participate in the live training - you may ask questions during the webinar
  • You will get access to the recording of the webinar for 90 days at no additional charge

Go right now and register for this meeting by clicking the big yellow button and filling out the registration form.

register now

I'm asking for a fee for this workshop because, frankly, I only want the people who are serious about learning and growing their landscape business. I know the best way to weed out people who aren't serious is to charge a small amount for our training. I could easily charge 4-5 times what I'm asking for this powerful information, but I'm also committed to helping as many people as possible, so I'm keeping the cost very low at only $97.

A training event like this will sell out fast. And because technology limits us to just 100 total, if you want in you'd better not delay. Once we hit the 100 limit, we simply cannot take anymore.

I'll bet dimes to dollars, that solving your employee problems once and for all could be the very thing that catapults you to a whole new level in your company. I'm looking for business owners who want to move fast to solve their employee recruiting challenge. Sign up today because once we hit the 100 person limit, we cannot take any more.

Think about it. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to take a vacation and not worry about your business the entire time? How would it feel to know you can take time off anytime you want and you'll still have happy customers and large profits?

This will be your reality when you come join me on this very special online workshop event and learn my proven methods for finding and keeping the very best talent.

The employee challenge is not going away anytime soon.  You can ignore it.  You can complain about it.  But you'll never escape from this challenge if you don't take action right now.  I'd like to help you.  The next step is up to you.

Participating in an event of this magnitude and of this impact will not be for everyone. I hope YOU ARE ONE who appreciates this opportunity to enhance your business.  Your investment in your education is a smart decision.

I look forward to seeing you on this exclusive webinar event.

Go ahead.  Get registered right now.  We'll talk soon.

register now