Estimating & Sales Summit

Louisville, Kentucky - October 19, 2016

Special Invite for BOSS Landscape Management Software

Estimating is the single greatest obstacle to doubling sales or profits in 12 to 24 months.

Attend this Summit and learn the latest techniques, tips and tricks for selling and pricing your jobs correctly to make sure that you win the most profitable jobs!


You're Invited to The Estimating & Sales Summit for Owners of Lawn & Landscape Companies

Pricing lawn and landscape work is a science. It's the science of accurate estimating. But more than estimating, accurate pricing arrives at the future costs of a future job... and many times the future job is unlike any job you have ever completed in the past.

How do you accurately estimate future jobs and get the right price? There is a proven 6-step system of success keys that the most profitable lawn and landscape companies follow to get their price right. At the 2016 Estimating & Sales Summit we will be digging deep into these 6 success keys and unlocking the intricate details that squeeze fat juicy profits out of ordinary jobs,  and help you create extraordinary projects while serving thankful clients.

If you make your living providing residential or commercial landscaping, lawn maintenance, lawn care, irrigation, snow removal or tree services, you owe it to yourself to attend this exclusive live training event.

At the Estimating & Sales Summit, you'll learn how the most profitable landscape business owners estimate the costs of future work using online and offline techniques. But equally important, after you estimate a job, you've gotta become an effective sales person. We will dive deep into the art of selling the jobs where you will make the most profit.

During this fast paced education event, you'll meet some of the most accomplished landscape industry professionals alive today. Take a look at a few of our confirmed speakers below.


Tony Bass is the CEO of Super Lawn Technologies and Tony Bass Consulting. He is the host of the Estimating & Sales Summit.  He works with lawn and landscape business owners who would like to double profits or double sales in 12 to 24 months.

Jerry and his business associate started a design/build commercial landscape, irrigation and landscape maintenance firm in 1975 and sold it 28 years later. Jerry was chairman for the development of the Landscape Certified Landscape Technician Program for South Carolina and represented SC in the founding group developing the program for ALCA (now NALP) and was awarded Nurseryman of the Year in 1991. He was the first landscape contractor to receive this award.

Jerry is a successful estimator and entrepreneur who has bid hundreds of millions of dollars in landscape construction and maintenance projects, has consulted, and lectured for the Green Industry in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico,  Bahamas, and Guam on budgeting, overhead recovery, estimating and bidding, managing work crews and overall business management and planning. Jerry helped many small and mid-sized companies with financial success while working with Charles Vander Kooi as senior associate for 17 years. In these challenging times he guides his clients financial performance bringing with him the experience of guiding his own company through the difficult economy in the late 1970's.

Joe Palimeno has been an associate of Vander Kooi and Associates since 1998. He began his professional career learning the landscape construction business from the ground up, beginning with performing in the field, and eventually becoming sole owner of Ledden Palimeno Design Build Landscape Co.

After successfully implementing the effective cost recovery system and management approaches he learned from Charles Vander Kooi, his revenues and profits increased to a significant level, allowing Joe to travel the country making contractors profitable through private consultations, estimating workshops and lectures.

Richard "Dick" Bare owns one of the largest & most profitable lawn care operations in the USA. He serves THOUSANDS of home owners with weed control and fertilization programs. Dick has built amazingly efficient operations that moved him off the truck and into the role of CEO decades ago. He will talk about the key moments in his career when he had to change to go to the next level. Count on great jokes along the way. Dick always makes me laugh!

If you want to accomplish big things in the lawn and landscaping business, then you've got to learn how to become a big planner. Estimating is the science of arriving at what a job will cost your company in the future. But even the best laid plans sometimes will change.

Brad Johnson will share his experience planning a "five month vacation" away from his lawn care company to hike 2175 miles on the Appalachian Trail. For many of us, leaving our company for 5 months would sound like a disaster... but not for Brad! Brad will explain how preparing and planning for his five-month sabbatical actually helped his company to double in sales and drive profits to record levels. Brad will also share how he raised over $100,000 to support 5 charities.

Just recently, Brad sold his lawn care company for a handsome profit, accomplishing yet another major life goal by building a business that works for him not just because of him. Join us to learn how you can achieve your goals using YOUR lawn and landscape company.

What type of work is more profitable? Residential or commercial? Lawn maintenance or installation?

Chuck Richardson knows a thing or two about the answers to these questions, and he will reveal his formula for grossing $250,000 per year, per crew in residential lawn maintenance. He'll also share his methods for estimating his costs and adjusting his prices to keep his company profitable regardless of what's going on in the economy.

We look forward to you joining us at the Estimating & Sales Summit and taking advantage of learning about Chuck's 30+ years of money-making strategies.


Get inspired by the guest presentations of Tony's top students during the "What's Working Challenge".  Each company owner who participates shares step-by-step what they have done to dramatically improve profits, grow revenue or meet their personal goals.  The audience votes on the "What's Working Champion" with the winner getting $1000 in cash for the winning presentation.

Past "What's Working Challenge" Participants

The Details


The Seelbach Hilton

500 S 4th St, Louisville, KY 40202

(502) 585-3200




Call the Louisville Convention & Visitors Bureau
Administrative Office
at (800) 743-3100 for accommodation assistance.


  • A continental breakfast will be served at 7:30 so arrive early!
  • Lunch will also be provided

If you have any trouble registering or have any questions, Tabitha Lovell is standing by to help. She is the Estimating & Sales Summit Organizer and would be glad to assist you. Contact her here: 678-943-4856 or