What Should Landscapers Do to Prepare for the Second Half of 2020? Watch this Video to Learn...
It's a special day my friend, Time to reflect on our country's great history of FREEDOM. July 4th - It's Independence day in the USA!
It's time to pause from the weekly routine. Thankfully, the spring rush is about over! I'm taking a couple of days off with my family this next week. I hope you plan to do the same. But PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE.... Before you go back to the weekly routine...
It's halftime in 2020. (We have just completed the first 6 months of the year) And here's what WINNERS do at halftime! They PAUSE, REST, and REVIEW what happened in the first half. After they review... they adjust their plans for the second half. Speeding off into the second half of 2020 WITHOUT an adjusted plan is not a good idea. The rules have changed...business conditions are different than a few months ago. So let's see how you are doing by taking The Wealthy Landscaper Productivity Challenge. How is YOUR company doing FINANCIALLY compared to the HIGH-PRODUCTIVITY contractors? The entire process takes about 10 minutes with your calculator...no fancy software needed. (If you have completed this keep reading - there's something else you can do)
Please - allow me to share a few facts about the first half of 2020.
Personal savings rates have spiked as our population has been forced to stay home. Here’s the latest data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis.
March 2020 12.6% (well above average savings rate)
April 2020 32.2% (never before seen in our country)
May 2020 23.2% (never before seen in our country)
Year 2019 7.6% (the average savings rate of 2019)
The massive increase in savings has lead to the largest amount of cash in USA banks in our country’s history!
According to the Federal Reserve Bank current cash on hand has grown almost $2 trillion since February 2020.
So what will all of these savings and growing pile of cash mean for landscapers?
Opportunity is almost everywhere!
Unfortunately, many lawn and landscape business owners are blinded by the routine of being busy-busy-busy and overlook the massive amount of opportunity straight ahead.
With more money in personal savings...with more money in banks...YOU must remember...
YOU have a fiduciary responsibility to MARKET YOUR COMPANY and SELL YOUR SERVICES.
In my position, I get the chance to meet with landscapers who are having their best year ever. Then...the next thing I hear is about a company who is closing down because they lost a major contract. (business is full of ups and downs my friend)
I'd prefer to call it Survival of the Financially Fit.
The company owner who QUITS after losing a few key contracts is frozen with fear because he don't have a game plan! Too bad...
What happens between YOUR EARS - that is YOUR belief system - will have a bigger impact on the second half of YOUR 2020 than the external economy, government interference with commerce, and a fear preaching media.
How many new customers (or new jobs) do you need in the second half of 2020? 10? 20? 50? 100?
You get those customers or those jobs by MARKETING - each and every day - each and every week - each and every year. So PLEASE...pause for a moment.
Enjoy the holiday...
Review your financial productivity by using this formula (click here). This simple process will let you know instantly how you are doing compared to the top lawn and landscape contractors in our industry. You'll gain confidence. Even if the results are BAD...you'll know where you stand. Then you adjust.
If you are in the top two categories of financial productivity, then PUMP UP YOUR MARKETING (click to learn more about marketing your company).
If you are in the bottom two categories of financial productivity, then RAISE YOUR PRICES IMMEDIATELY. (click here to learn how to raise prices and keep customers)
You see...two plans for two different situations.
I wish you and your family a safe and fun-filled holiday weekend.
Tony Bass, founder
PS - Hit me back with a comment if you like.Tony@TonyBassConsulting.com (or leave me a voice mail with comments at 478-822-9706)Send me a message. I may answer over the weekend.I wake up a lot earlier than my family and I tend to work an hour or so even when I'm on holiday. 🙂 |