6 Money Secrets for Exceptional Landscaping Profits

Do you FEEL the same way we LOOK about your business? If not, keep reading...
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Your accountant, your banker, nor the IRS will ever ask you for these critical numbers. However, if you own a landscape company and seek more profits, you better know these numbers. Many companies double their profit when they gain access to this information. You could, too.
Join me, Tony Bass, Co-author of The E-Myth Landscape Contractor and founder of Super Lawn Technologies as I explain these 6 Money Secrets to achieve exceptional profits. Every landscape business owner needs to know these critical numbers and I will give them to you during this 1-hour online event.
You will learn in the first 35 minutes:
- Do you operate an average company or exceptional company?
- Do you earn average wages or exceptional wages?
- What are the 6 Money Secrets for exceptional profits?
- How to use these 6 Money Secrets in your landscape business.
- One way to get ahead in today's hyper-competitive market place.
Block out 60 minutes for the program. The last 20 minutes is open for your questions. So, if you have a business challenge you're facing, you can ask me for my advice during the call!
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