Trouble Finding Good Help?

You Need "50 Low Cost Ways to Find, Recruit, Hire and Retain Super Star Employees"

This guidebook and 4 audio CD set explains in detail how small business owners can put simple systems into their company to find Super Stars, reduce turnover and prevent bad hiring decisions. This IS NOT written from a human resources, politically correct, watch what I say to stay out of trouble with the government point-of-view like most hiring books. This "how to" guide is written by a business owner that has hired hundreds of people from all walks of life and profited along the way. This program is for owners or human resource professionals in small businesses. We have to be creative finding people in an increasingly employee-deficient society. Tony reveals dozens of overlooked places (sources) to find Super Star employees that are either FREE or almost free. Tony reveals simple methods for screening your employee prospects and selecting the winners. If you hire the right people, you can save yourself hundreds of dollars with ineffective ads and perhaps thousands of dollars from hiring the wrong person!

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