Need Better Lawn & Landscape Employees? Need More Employees to Grow Your Company?

Learn the Powerful Recruiting, Hiring & Employee Retention Secrets That Immediately Attracts the Best Employee Prospects & Repels the Lazy, Stupid & Unreliable Prospects.

Employee Problems Will Disappear When You Learn The Techniques Revealed In This Online & Home Study Training Course.

Why is it so damn hard to find good people these days?  Why do so many new hires (that seem to have great potential), quit the job you gave them in just a few days or weeks?

And for those employees that are sticking around, why can't they remember what you taught them yesterday, last week or last month? Why do some employees seem to just “show up” for the check and never get motivated?

Finding, Recruiting, Hiring & Retaining Super Star Employees is the #1 challenge for business owners.  I know the issues first hand.  I've been an employer since 1987.  I've made payroll for 1,404 weeks (and I'll do it 26 more times in the next 12 months).  And I SMILE each time I sign my employee’s paychecks. 🙂

That's why I'm writing you today.  Most employers don't smile when the discussion of employees starts.


I recently asked 287 landscape business owners this question: "What's the single greatest challenge you face in your company today?" 

By far...the #1 response...72% of the answers said “Employees”.
For some business owners it's finding them. Others say it's getting employees to work hard.  For many, getting new employees trained is the biggest challenge. Once you get them trained, well, many up and quit. 🙁

I want YOU to can solve the employee problem with a series of step-by-step systems to find, recruit, hire and retain super star employees.  Let me explain.

I built up my lawn and landscape company to employ nearly 100 people and produce millions in revenue each and every year. Along the way, I took careful notes about what works AND what doesn't work solving the people problem.  Here’s a photo of my landscape team I assembled. (Yes, my company has been profiled in most of the landscape magazines along the way.)

I'd like to show you how to:

  • Find the maximum number of qualified candidates in just a few days
  • Quickly screen applicants to find the best ones in minutes 
  • Create the very best work conditions to KEEP good employees
  • Build a training system that teaches and evaluates new hires in 6-8 hours 
  • Quickly rid yourself of any bad hires before they infect your company
  • Increase profits using little known government programs to lower wages 
  • Take advantage of certain tax credits available to all employers, large or small

Bass Custom Landscapes on the cover of

Hardscape Magazine

Solving the employee problem can be the most liberating, confidence building, life enhancing and profit building activity you'll ever master. I'd like to teach you what I know and what I have taught hundreds of landscape company business owners.  Here’s how.

I have written a step-by-step guidebook, produced a 6-hour audio training program and recently recorded 7 new seminars on the most up-to-date techniques you can use to solve the employee problem. You can get access to this training right now.

50 Ways to Find, Recruit, Hire and Retain Super Star Employees is the title to the book and audio training program.  If you've never heard of this book and 8 week home study training program, here's why.

It's not available on Amazon.  You won't find it at Barnes & Noble.  It's likely you won't stumble across it surfing the web.  I have intentionally limited its availability for my private consulting clients and companies enrolled in my Super Lawn Toolkit membership training program.  These elite company owners invest thousands of dollars to work with me privately.  They get access to everything I have learned... (Practiced and perfected).

Frankly, the material covered in the book, audio training program, and recorded seminars is some of my most guarded entrepreneurial success secrets. And these techniques allow me to recruit amazing employees!  Why?

First, it's not easy being an employer. There is competitors for employees all around. You have to compete with benefits packages, top pay & special bonuses to get good employees. Right? Wrong! You must learn how to talk about money, build a compensation strategy, & make hiring decisions. It’s not hard being an employer if you have a system to find, recruit, hire, & retain employees.

Second, your employees are quick to talk to other employees.  Yes, those inside your company... and those at your competitor's company. Hire a new guy at a pay rate higher than your best guy and see what happens next. You just made 2 people mad! But with the techniques I’ll share, you can end this mistake.

Third, after the economy tanked, unemployment soared past 10%.  As employers, we were literally beating employees away with a stick.  Finding, recruiting & retaining employees was not a huge problem. But this has started to change.  And now...the employee challenge is back with a vengeance.  Recently unemployment has fallen to 5.0% and it may go lower! I'm ready to help you learn how to attract well qualified employees using the latest techniques. Guaranteed!

Order today and I'll ship the package to you right away. You'll be able to read, study and see the print materials.  You'll be able to listen and learn as you ride between jobs. Count on learning a step-by-step system that will transform how you deal with (and profit from) your employees.  And...You’ll begin to see that employees are the most liberating tool inside your business. 🙂

PS - You get a 100% Money Back Guarantee with your purchase.  Read, listen and learn for 60 days.  If you decide the training materials are not for you FOR any reason, simply return the product undamaged for a refund.  You have nothing to lose to try this audio & print training program right now.

PSS - SPECIAL BONUS - Order with the form below.  With your payment, I'll email you immediate access to five video training programs I recently recorded for members of the Super Lawn Toolkit membership training program.  These member meetings are 60 to 90 minutes each.  And, as you will see, teach you exactly how to implement the training covered inside 50 Ways to Find, Recruit, Hire and Retain Super Star Employees.  $475 SPECIAL BONUS value, yours FREE with your order. Expires in 72 hours.


Read, review and learn all 50 steps to get the best people for your company

Audio CD Set
Listen and learn as you drive between jobs. Make the transition from being a technician to an efficient manager and entrepreneur!

Bonus #1 - $97 Value: Online Access to Training Video 1

*Online Access* - How to Talk Money with Employees with Tony Bass

Bonus #2 - $97 Value: Online Access to Training Video 2

*Online Access* - Off Season Income How-To Guide

Bonus #3 - $97 Value: Online Access to Training Video 3

*Online Access* - 6 Questions Landscape Contractors Always Ask Me

Bonus #4 - $97 Value: Online Access to Training Video 4

*Online Access* - Business Automation - The Easy Button

Bonus #5 - $97 Value: Online Access to a Rare Interview

An interview with Roger Braswell, co-founder of Lawn Care USA, Dingo Digging Systems North America & Compact Power Equipment Rental. Roger operates over 1,000 equipment rental stores across USA & Canada.


If you prefer to order by phone, we'd be happy to help you! Just call 478-822-9706.