Need Help Training Your Lawn & Landscape Employees?

Get immediate access to 13 training modules, video instruction, handouts, and employee training presentations.

This includes the train the trainer module which will help you become an effective trainer OR delegate training to someone else on your team.

It's all done for you!

We asked 272 landscape contractors what their biggest business challenge is today...

The results are in. Training employees, keeping good help, and improving work quality were at the top of the list. This 12 module training system will solve these problems into your company. Fill out the form to go to the order page!


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What does the first day of employment look like for your new employees? You only have one chance to make a first impression.

If day one, hour one at your company begins with, "Get in the truck. José (or Johnny, or Jim, or Billy) will show you what to do when you get there," you are asking for high employee turnover.

These 15 words are a surefire sign that you could improve your training program. If you use these 15 words in your company, it's likely that you could quickly and easily improve your training program, and ultimately, your ability to retain good employees.

High turnover is a kick in the groin. It's painful. As a job creator, when time passes and you continue to lose employees, you will feel like there is something wrong with you. Let's put a STOP to this.

It's a fact that employees who are offered solid training programs become better employees that will stay with you longer.

Me and my team have created a  simple lawn and landscape employee training program that you can implement in your company immediately to get better results training and keeping employees!

Bruce's family-owned company in New Jersey has been in business for nearly 70 years! Have a look at what Bruce had to say about this training recently:

What You'll Get:

  • Train the Trainer Presentations (videos)
  • Employee Guides that Use Adult Learning Techniques
  • Supplemental Materials for the Trainers and Owners
  • Future Updates and Supporting Materials

The 13 Training Modules

18 Hours and 38 Minutes of Training Videos • 40 Handouts

The 6 Bonuses

Total Value of Bonuses: $1439.95

Here's another comment from one of my clients. Marie and Damon have a successful company in Arizona and a beautiful employee training facility. Here's what Marie had to say about this training:

Don't Delay! Order Now!



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Purchase now and gain immediate access to the 13 training modules and 6 bonuses (bonuses total value = $1439.95!). Use these materials immediately and begin to train your team, and if you decide these training materials are not helpful for your company, you can request a refund anytime for the next 90 days.

After you purchase, one of our teammates will reach out to you to make sure that you understand the best way to use the training materials and streamline the process for your company!

This is a one time fee, and not a recurring fee like many training programs on the market today! We look forward to working with you soon!

About Tony Bass

Tony Bass has been an entrepreneur since 1987. He is the Founder & CEO of Super Lawn Technologies, which provides lawn & landscape contractors with tools to increase productivity. Tony has written seven books, including co-authoring The E-Myth Landscape Contractor with Michael E. Gerber. He bases his counsel on 25+ years of green industry experience, which includes founding, growing and selling his initially small landscaping business for a seven-figure profit. Tony is on a mission to teach 10,000 lawn & landscape business owners how to double profits in 12 to 24 months.